Shooting in Lucknow for a film these days, actor Aniruddh Dave, best known for his roles in serials like Aaj Ki Housewife Hai...Sab Jaanti Hai, Phulwa and Bandhan, has caught a severe eye infection. “I was shooting for a death scene with actor Ashutosh Rana in Chandrika Devi Mandir on October 2. During the scene, my body had to float in the river Gomti. Before attempting the scene, I checked if the river was clean for me to do such a scene, ki hahin paani ganda na ho,” says Aniruddh, whose worst nightmare came true.
“While we were in the middle of the scene, my eyes suddenly got watery and also started itching and paining. The situation got so bad that we had to wrap up the shoot for the day and I was rushed to an eye specialist,“ he shares.
Aniruddh had to consult the eye specialist twice in a single day because of the severity of the infection he had contracted. “The doctor has advised me complete rest for few days as I was unable to even open my eyes completely. My fiancée Shubhi Ahuja flew down to Lucknow to take care of me the moment she got the news. She will now stay with me till the rest of the shoot is over,” says the actor who will be back to work in a couple of days.
Take care Aniruddh!
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