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Fri, 04/04/2014 - 13:10

Gaurav Chaudhary as Parmeet of Colors’ Bani – Ishq Da Kalma simply cannot take the ‘heat’ coming from Bani, who is in the disguise of the stylized Maya.
But in real life, the actor has really stuck it out by taking necessary precautions to beat the heat, this summer!!
Here is Gaurav in a chat with talking about the much required ‘summer’ tips. “Firstly, the clothing you choose should be more of cotton, as it protects the body from the sun and helps in evaporation of sweat. The main thing is to avoid wearing dark colored clothes.”
Ask him about his food tips and he explains, “It is best to start the day with a sweet, juicy fruit at breakfast. Fruits like peaches, plums, melons, pears are exactly what your taste buds would appreciate when the sun is blazing. I usually prefer to take the extract of the fruits and store in refrigerator. I keep sipping it often during the day. Consuming leafy lettuce and summer greens, corn and cucumber in salads are a good way to keep your body cool.”
An actor’s profession needs a lot of exposure to the sun for long hours. Stating a good remedy for this, Gaurav quips, “A sip of green tea or a spoon of onion or lime juice will act as good antioxidants that can neutralize cellular damage caused by the sun’s rays. I drink organic India Tulsi tea twice or thrice every day.”
“Another effective way to keep the body cool is by spraying cold water from a spray bottle on you. I spray water on my face between the shots, be it indoor or outdoor and also make sure to bring a hand towel to wipe off excess water,” stresses the actor.
Gaurav opines that it is very important to keep hydrated during summer. “If you have a feeling of being thirsty, that means you are already hitting levels of dehydration. One should at least drink 8-10 glasses of water in a day. Above all, if you are feeling low owing to the heat, the best remedy is to take a cool shower. Frequent showers help lower the body temperature, while also taking off body sweat.”
Way to go, Gaurav!! Your tips are indeed effective ones.







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