MUMBAI: Sidharth Shukla is among the most popular contestants in this season of controversial show Bigg Boss. The actor has had the maximum maximum fights but has fought them all with logic. Yesterday, he lost his calm when Asim Riaz and others called Arti Singh his fixed deposit. He considers it to be a dirty word and he was furious to know Asim and Shehnaaz using it for Arti. For the past few days, Sidharth has been having massive fights with Asim and is trying hard to not get out of control.
While Sidharth is trying hard to survive in the house, his fans are doing their best to support him. On social media, Sidharth Shukla has become the top trend currently as all his followers are tweeting using #ManOfWordSid. With millions of tweets pouring with this hashtag, needless to say that he is one of the strongest contenders on the show.
Have a look at some of the tweets.
SidharthShukla though a LEADER of team,
— CA Rakesh (@albelaindian) January 25, 2020
1) Never asks Captaincy from BFFs.
2) Never interfere in bffs fights to steal footage
3) Never speak negatively abt Bffs in camera
4) Never misguide his bffs
He is; #ManOfWordSid
#SidharthShukla is the Most TRENDED BB contestant ever!@sidharth_shukla, You have earned immense love and respect from millions of ppl across the globe and we will support u always!
— (@Shu6ham_) January 25, 2020
Proud to be a Sidharth Shukla fan!♡#ManOfWordSid
#SidharthShukla Won the Immunity Task
— Dev Kasana { Sid Hearts} (@DevKasa27474831) January 25, 2020
He is the Member of Elite Club now!
RT if u r so happy... #sidhearts
& For the full details with Points by the audience !!#SidharthShukla @sidharth_shukla#ManOfWordSid #FairAndHonestSid#BiggBoss13 #bb13
#SidharthShukla Won the Immunity Task
— Dev Kasana { Sid Hearts } (@DevKasa27474831) January 25, 2020
He is the Member of Elite Club now!
RT if u r so happy... #sidhearts
& For the full details with Points by the audience !!#SidharthShukla @sidharth_shukla#ManOfWordSid #FairAndHonestSid#BiggBoss13 #bb13
Credits: SpotboyE
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