MUMBAI: In a recent promo released by the makers of Bigg Boss 13, Asim Riaz, Vishal Aditya Singh, and Rashami Desai sat to plan next week’s nominations, which is against BB house rules. However, Bigg Boss will intervene soon and bust their secret planning by showing a video of them talking about nominating Mahira Sharma and Paras Chhabra.
Paras then lashes out at Asim and calls him egoistic. The actor even goes onto threaten Asim and Vishal that he will win the show. Paras says, 'main tum dono ki phaad ke jaoonga'.
Hearing all of this, Asim too fights back and tells Paras that why is he worried if he is so confident that he will win the show and defeat them.
Mahira, who is equally shocked, joins Paras in slamming Asim and Vishal. From the first day in the season, Asim and Paras have never seen eye to eye. They have often clashed in fights.
Credits: Pinkvilla
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