MUMBAI: In yesterday's episode, Bigg Boss exposed Asim Riaz and Vishal Aditya Singh’s nominations talk, which is not allowed on the show. Because of this, we saw BB introducing the dome nomination task on Monday. As per the task, each contestant had to get inside the dome and manually count 17 minutes, and the one with the most accurate guess would be safe. Post the task, it was declared by Bigg Boss that it’s Asim Riaz who guessed the timing in the most right way. The second spot was given to Rashami Desai.
Now, a fanpage of Sidharth Shukla has spotted something which we as a viewer might have missed. As per the page, Asim Riaz entered the dome at 10.30 and left the same 10.45, which means he just was inside the dome for the exact 15 minutes. With this, we wonder, how come the makers claimed that the Kashmiri boy was accurate in his counting (17 minutes)? The page has tagged Bigg Boss biased and added that the channel is playing with the sentiments of the viewers.
Have a look at the below, and tell us what you think.
When #AsemRiaz is unable to win any task@ColorsTV giving him “WIN” in plate
— Soni_Verma ~SidHearts~ (@Soni_Verma14) January 28, 2020
it’s shameful that channel is playing with viewers emotions@Sudhanshu_Vats @BeingSalmanKhan @ormaxmedia @latestly @republic @ZeeNews @aajtak @bollywood_life @tellychakkar @pinkvilla @PinkvillaTelly
Credits: Latestly
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