MUMBAI: The entertainment world is abuzz with excitement as Digvijay Rathee was recently seen with Bollywood star and philanthropist Sonu Sood. The two were spotted together in Versova , Andheri , leading to speculation about a possible collaboration between the rising star and the seasoned actor-producer.
Digvijay Rathee, known for his compelling performances and growing fanbase, has been steadily carving a niche for himself in the entertainment industry. On the other hand, Sonu Sood, a household name admired for both his on-screen charisma and off-screen humanitarian efforts, has successfully ventured into production in recent years.
The duo were seen sharing a special camaraderie off screen.
Social media has been flooded with posts from excited fans, with many expressing their hopes for a future collaboration. The duo were seen exchanging fine words about each other infront of the paparazzi. They were last seen sharing in the screen space in the reality show Roadies.
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