Handsome hunk Kiran Srinivas who was last seen in 24 and Paanch and currently in Bindass’ Zindagi Wins is celebrating his birthday today (25 March).
Let us find out what the young lad has planned for the day. But first of all, let’s wish Kiran a very Happy Birthday!
Averred the birthday boy, “My brother and sister-in-law are flying down to Mumbai after two years, so I am excited to celebrate my birthday with them. It is a family birthday for me.”
Talking about gifts he shared, “My mom picked a card for me but she was unaware about what the card is all about. She picked it only because it was a colourful card. I think this is the most special birthday gift I have received.”
So how do you feel on getting a year older, “I feel extremely excited and amazing because growing up is the most beautiful thing and I think I have become more sensible and calm.”
Wish you a successful and prosperous time ahead!

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