MUMBAI: Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega: Everyone thinks Guddan is pregnant The episode starts with Asmita saying AJ you made Laxmi a hero. We make a good pair. Nothing is impossible for us. We are like bunty and bubbly.
AJ says they were thieves. Guddan says so what there was friendship and love. She stops at love. Guddan feels awkward. She collides with AJ. He holds her. Shantani is angry at Durga. Durga says what did I do? Shantani says this family is being defamed. Everyone is seeing it. Your said you are sane? Why were you silent in front of Guddan.
Go from here. Send my breakfast. Durga is angry. Saru says I heard what shantani said. No one says anything in front of Guddan. We fall weak in front of her. We could never kick her out. We always lose and she wins. Duga puts her hand on hot pot. She says you thought I am an idiot? You played this plot without me.
Saru says I did a mistake. We will do things together. Durga says dont’ use your mind now. Do as I ask you. This guddan has to suffer. we will blame Laxmi for everything. She will be kicked out of this house. I will show her what Duga can do. Laxmi is sending her clothes for laundry.
Saru says so much happened are you okay? Laxmi says why wont I be? Saru says that’s lipstick mark on AJ’s shirt. Laxmi says whose lipstick? Durga says this is Guddan’s. Saru says they dont’ have any such relation? Laxmi says there is no such thing. Guddan comes. she says I feel bad. I feel like throwing up all the time.
She throws up. Laxi says are you okay? You should rest. Durga says this looks like a good news. Saru says it will be such a good thing. Durga says Laxmi knows about her choices. We don’t know how Guddan would like to celebrate. Guddan isn’t well.
AJ says are you okay? He says you need to go to doctor. Guddan says no he will give me an injection. AJ says he will just give you medicines. Don’t worry. He gives her first aid. AJ says if you don't go to doctor I will give you this injection? Laxmi tells Dadi that Guddan isn’t well.
Dadi says I don't think they are this close yet. AJ checks Guddan’s temperature. He sees her eyes. He checks her sugar too. AJ says it is normal. We should go to a doctor once.
Guddan says no please. He says you have to. AJ and Guddan come back home. Whole house is decorated. Everyone says we are so glad about this good news. Laxmi told us everything. Shantani says your child is coming to this world. They are dazed.

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