MUMBAI: Sony Entertainment Television's iconic game show, Kaun Banega Crorepati, continues to celebrate transformative journeys with its "Gyan Ka Rajat Mahotsav." One of the most heartwarming stories this season features Himani Bundela , KBC’s first-ever visually impaired crorepati, whose life exemplifies perseverance, inspiration, and a commitment to helping others.
"Kahani Jeet Ki," a special segment on KBC, highlights Himani's extraordinary journey. A primary school teacher by profession, Himani has always been dedicated to empowering divyang (differently abled) students. Winning on KBC gave her the platform and resources to pursue this dream, bringing immense happiness and purpose to her life. Himani’s story reflects her resilience, as she not only faced the challenges of being a disabled woman but also chose to dedicate herself to improving the lives of others in the community. Remarkably, she has refused treatment for her disability, saying the money is better spent on helping disabled children.
During her conversation with Amitabh Bachchan, she shares,
"I never imagined that there would be such a big change in my life. It feels like a miracle; I feel like I was reborn after appearing on KBC." Amitabh Bachchan asked her, "Himani ji, what was the atmosphere like at home after becoming a crorepati?" She replied with a smile, "It felt like Diwali had lasted for three months at our home. Sir, I have already given over 400 interviews and public appearances."
Himani also compliments Amitabh Bachchan, saying, "Your name is very influential, like the sun. Wherever you go, you radiate light."
Himani's work and vision have been widely recognized. The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh invited her to present her project and made her the brand ambassador of UP for her initiative. Additionally, she received financial aid from UNICEF to support her mission of empowering disabled students. Himani has also been honored with the President’s Award for "Best Role Model of the Year."
She concludes her journey by saying, "I didn't just win that day; thousands of divyang children and the entire community won with me."
Don’t miss Himani Bundela’s incredible story on Kaun Banega Crorepati – Gyan Ka Rajat Mahotsav, every Monday–Friday at 9:00 PM, only on Sony Entertainment Television.
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