MUMBAI:STAR Plus’ recently launched show, Kullfi Kumarr Bajewala has been receiving a positive response from the audiences. Actress Anjali Anand who is playing a negative role for the first time on television too has been well-received. While Anjali Anand is yet to meet her biggest fan, we hear that the actress is Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s biggest fan. The actress who has watched every SRK movie multiple times, mentions that she has met him when she was a child through her father.
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She mentioned, "I have met Shah Rukh before when I was little because my father belonged to this industry before he passed away. I get multiple chances to meet him during industry parties and social events, but I want to meet him and recognize me for my work." Talking about the same, Anjali said “I am an actor because I have grown up watching SRK weaving magic on the big screen. And I have always been an admirer of his work. However, I don’t want to meet him as a regular fan. Since we now are in the same industry, I want him to recognize me for my work.” Well said, Anjali!
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