India TV's expose on Aman Verma has the television industry pondering realities.
<em>Indian Idol</em> host, <em>Khullja Sim Sim</em> anchor and <em>Kumkum</em> villain. Is Aman Yatan Verma a villain in real life too?
In a second sting operation, shortly after its expose on film star Shakti Kapoor, India TV's Suhaib Ilyasi is gunning for television personality Aman Verma. The entire operation, its repercussions and industry reactions are currently being aired intermittently from 8 am today on the Rajat Sharma floated India TV.
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Thu, 03/17/2005 - 11:45

India TV's expose on Aman Verma has the television industry pondering realities.
Indian Idol host, Khullja Sim Sim anchor and Kumkum villain. Is Aman Yatan Verma a villain in real life too?
In a second sting operation, shortly after its expose on film star Shakti Kapoor, India TV's Suhaib Ilyasi is gunning for television personality Aman Verma. The entire operation, its repercussions and industry reactions are currently being aired intermittently from 8 am today on the Rajat Sharma floated India TV.
The procedure to snare Aman has been nearly the same as was followed in the case of Shakti. The same girl, Ruchi, who posed as a fresher in the film industry, got Aman to offer 'advice' on her career some two months ago, in the India TV operation. Aman lodged a police complaint on Wednesday against the channel, saying the girl came to his apartment of her own volition, but the operation has left a bitter taste among his co-artistes and colleagues in the industry.
Indian Idol co host Mini Mathur said this morning that she was 'very disappointed'. But a wary Mini added, "But I would not like to add to his problems by commenting anything further."
Kumkum co-star Juhi Parmar is bewildered. "He was very cultured and professional all along. I had no problems with him. This has really shocked me."
Pondering the issue, Juhi adds, "So far, TV was safe on and off the screen. We neither shed clothes on screen or off it. I still believe it is the safest of places, but with the recent high stakes associated with it, I do get to hear of such things. But I really can't state any specifics..."
The India TV expose, currently running on the channel, however, is pretty specific, although the girl does appear to be leading Aman on in a few instances.
Aman has been showing as asking the girl to stay overnight in Mumbai, and then asking her to come closer to have a better look at her in his Lokhandwala complex apartment, asking her to turn around, and responding that he's always been a 'naughty guy' when Ruchi coyly reprimands him for being 'naughty'.
In the latter video, Aman tells the India TV team that accosts him, "I was making her aware of the pitfalls in the industry. I did not use her." He has gone through similar circumstances, he tells Suhaib later in the video.
Says Mandira Bedi, who hosts Sahara One's Dial One Aur Jeeto with Aman, “I am aghast at what I am seeing on television. They are invading privacy. Next, they might place a camera in people’s bathrooms. The casting couch exists but this is not the way to expose things. Also it depends on what signals you send. I do not want to talk on morality. The Shakti Kapoor episode was a set up and this is another one. Fortunately I have never been propositioned”, says the actress, who has also acted with him in Shanti and Kyunki Saans Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi.
The questions remain. Why did Aman Verma fall at India TV’s reporter feet and ask for forgiveness. He claims he had been blackmailed since three months. What took him so long to file a complaint? Did the Shakti Kapoor episode frighten him? Or was he waiting for Indian Idol to wind up?
That also leaves another question mark. Will we see Aman again in Indian Idol 2?







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