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Wed, 06/19/2019 - 12:30

MUMBAI: The episode starts with Shrishti reaching the door but getting tensed finding it locked. Sarla thinks that it might be Sherlin. Shrishti is also worried of why there room is locked, Sarla is about to be hit Shrishti when she enters, She asks of the whereabouts of Preeta, Sarla mentions the whole incident and they decide to go to the Luthra mansion because Sherlin can do anything.
Karan is pulling Preeta who is not willing to come, Sanjana wonders what has happened and she thought that they will all throw Sherlin out of their house but she cannot believe what is happening.
Sherlin also comes form behind she thinks that now they will not ask her for the Par shad and will see the drama, Kartika and Rishab both try to stop him Dadi asks him what he is doing, he does not listen to anyone and even when Preeta pulls her which angers Rishab and he asks Karan to leave Preeta hand, Dadi ask him what has happened and he has never fought such fiercely with Preeta. Karan however throws her out of the house and slams the door in her face without giving her a chance to even say anything in her defense, warning her to stay away from the house and forget that they even met and were the best of friends after which he closes the door, Rishab is left confused seeing what he has done, Preeta starts to cry standing on the other side of the door before leaving.
Rakhi goes to him and slaps him asking what he ash done, why did he insult her to the extent that’s he feels it is not her values which she gave him, why did he do this, he knows that Preeta has always stood by their family whenever they needed her, he pulled her even when she did not want to come, he was the one who was pulling Preeta but they were all ashamed. He says that if she wants him to stay in their family than Preeta will never come otherwise he will leave the house.
He walks away but Rishab pulls him asking why did he threw Preeta out of the house and why did he do it himself because they still have elders to take the decision, he would not have stood if it was any other girl but it was Preeta, he starts to scold him when Sherlin comes from behind asking that he at least opt what Karan has to say, she knows that he is wrong but they all know that he has never done this and he must have a reason. She asks him what happened, he says that he has put forward his condition and will leave the house if Preeta comes back.
Karina asks him what was the reason because he knows how to treat a girl, she does not ask him the reason but says that all scolded him but did not ask him the reason, he is their son and she is an outsider, Rakhi tries to take the side of Preeta but Karina mentions that they should not scold him to the point that he doesn’t feel any shame and never thought that they should not have done it and must not worry because she is with him.
Dadi asks her what it is, she mentions that it is her love because no one sees anything else besides Preeta, she doesn’t want to talk about it because Rishab has been married with Sherlin and they should focus on her forgetting Preeta.
Sherlin looks at Prithvi but Kartika sees her and looks at the curtains but Sherlin moves ahead.

Rishab is standing wondering why Karan do such a heinous acted with Preeta and what was the reason behind it,
Preeta is walking in a dark alley way, remembering all the moments spent with Karan, she doesn’t know how to overcome the feeling that she can no longer meet him, She thinks of what he said that he can no longer trust her, she is broken and again starts to cry, thinking of how she was thrown out of the Luthra Mansion, she calms herself down again starting to walk.
Sarla and Shrishti are looking and wondering whether Preeta is alright, they decide to call Karan and tell him everything that has happened with them, she calls but it is Samer who picks and when they say that they are coming, he asks them to not come as there is no need, they both than decide to return to their own house.
Preeta comes to her house, Bi jee and Janki get tensed seeing her condition and inquire of her health and why did she not come to the wedding, Shrishti and Sarla also come and hug her, she turns to Sarla who is also very tensed, she mentions that she got very scared and is happy that she is okay.
Preeta runs to her room, Bi jee asks Sarla what happened because she went to her friend’s wedding and is wearing the same clothes, Shrishti informs them that Preeta is crying, they all plead her to open the door but she is sitting in the room and is constantly crying.







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