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Tue, 06/18/2019 - 12:36

MUMBAI: The episode starts with Rishab asking Ganesh if he knows who the one behind spilling the oil was. He explains that when he came back he saw Prithvi putting back the bottle of oil but he did not know what he was doing, Rishab thinks why would he try such a thing and harm Preeta.
Preeta tries to explain that it is not her in the photo and she would never take money from her, Karan however says that he has the proof and if she knew than she would try to act as if she is honest but she is not and she broke his trust and is the reason he would not trust her because he told her everything that was important in his life, she repeatedly asks him for a chance to explain herself but he says that she is sold out and orders her to get lost from his room and house.
Prithvi asks her what she has done, she asks if he would stop calling her names, she says that she made Karan believe that Preeta has been sold by her because she knew that Sherlin was pregnant and would have brought her, he gets stunned and asks why did she want her to get killed, because she says that she was not sure that the detective would be able to get to Karan so she has a second plan, he thinks what made her b3elie that she was being followed, she explains that she heard them talking in the bachelors party and heard that they have hired someone to follow her, so she after a few days went to his office, threatening him and then hired him to follow Preeta, so she made a deal with him.
She gave him money, asking him to give him proof against Preeta, they secured Preeta exit from Luthra and also were able to destroy Karan’s friendship with her, they planned to frame Preeta, she hired a girl with the same height as Preeta and portrayed like she was giving Preeta money,. Prithvi takes out money and circles it against her.
Preeta begs Karan to not blame, he demands her to explain the photos, she however says that she does not know and was the one who told everything to him, he explains that she did it because she was planning everything from the start, he trusted her and when she was to come she was nowhere to be found, she explains that’s he will take him to her mother and her mother if he trusts her, he however says that he will not go because he doesn’t trust her anymore and will not stand by her anymore, she however says that she is not a deceiver and will not listen to anything of the sort, he orders her to stop yelling, because he has the proof and they cannot be a lie, she explains that he is getting caught in a trap set by Sherlin, he says that he is okay because she is his enemy but Preeta deceived him by portraying as a friend and then stabbed him in the back.
Sarla slams against the door, she yells but no one comes to her aid, Sarla starts to cry, she thinks if Sherlin came to harm Preeta but she locked him in the room so when she came it was Sherlin in the room, Sarla prays for Preeta’s well being.
Preeta asks Karan to put any sort of blame that he wishes but at least listen to her for one thing, she explains that he knows she will not hurt him, he says that he knows her now and has learned that she is a deceiver and is not honest, he orders her to leave but she refuses saying that she will only leave after proving herself as innocent, he says that she no longer has a place in his heart and the heart of his family and also the house because she was the one who brought Sherlin into his family, so the doors of the house will always be closed for her.

Shrishti wakes up in the bed, she tries to remember what happened, she picks up the phone and gets stunned seeing the time, she gets up but is dizzy, she thinks that she drank the juice and it might have been spiked because fell asleep after it, so he might have been hired by Sherlin, she runs for Preeta.
Karan is pulling Preeta she tries to explain that he is believing in the wrong people, Sherlin and Prithvi are hugging, she explains that they must see the finale of the story which began is now having the ending which they must see, Prithvi however say hat he has to hide because they believe that he ash left the house.
Karan refuses to listen to anything that Preeta has to say.







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