MUMBAI: The episode sees how Karan enters the restaurant and sees the robbers carrying guns. The men walk away. He walks away too, however, is tensed. Preeta and Janki reach the workplace. Preeta heads towards the restaurant where she is supposed to meet her client. Janki sees Karan's car and thinks that Preeta would have come to meet Karan. She later thinks that he would not do anything like this. Janki is adamant about talking to Karan and asking him the reason for the destruction of their family. She recalls what Preeta said about starting a new life. She curses him and says that he will never be happy. Karan gets a call and he leaves. Prithvi thinks that he will not punish Karan for what he has done.
Prithvi calls a person. Prithvi reaches the parking area and the person handover the weapon which he had got for Prithvi. Prithvi thinks to himself that now he can kill the person he wants to. Preeta is asked to wait for the person whom she had come to meet. She sits in the waiting area. Karan also comes there with his friend and they wonder when their coach will arrive. Preeta realizes that it is Karan and gets emotional. Karan is sitting with his friend and they compliment a lady chief. Preeta tries to walk away when she bumps into her friend. They get into a conversation and her friend notices her mangalsutra.
She gets annoyed that Preeta didn't call her for her wedding. Preeta tells her that her marriage is full of complications. Prithvi arrives at the entrance with his goons. He tells them that they will get caught in the metal detector. He calls the guard and bribes him. He is stopped and taken inside a room. Preeta continues to converse with her friend. A man who is talking on the phone is shown a gun. Raga says that even he is with them. He says that they are the reason why he is out of prison. One of the men tells them that he used to work in a bank and give out details. However when his bosses got suspicious then he had to leave the job and work at some other place. He provides him with a room number and the name of the target. Preeta meets Renuka who apologizes to Preeta for being late. Renuka's mother sees Karan and asks his mother to call him.
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