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Wed, 10/29/2014 - 13:24

If you haven’t watched Alia talk about her fear of plants or Shruti confess of having her nose fixed and Karan not meaning it when he praises other people, you have definitely missed out on something.
Season One of Look Who’s Talking on Zee Café was all about the unknown details and what goes on in the lives of these mesmerizing celebrities, rather, friends of Niranjan Iyengar.
On the closing note Nirajan said “Despite knowing most of my guests intimately, LWT gave me an opportunity to discover new facets to them and have conversations which otherwise I may not have had. I made new friends, renewed old ties and of course cemented the existing ones. LWT season one has been a fun journey!”
Not everything was meant to raise eyebrows but that somehow was inevitable as the guests started justifying and clarifying their actions openly and being honest on their opinions and testimonials in an open forum. Relationships being the biggest part of any actor’s life, like the recent married actors gleamed about their better halves, while the ‘single-young’ brigade stuck to their ‘I’ve always been single’ stance which wasn’t really a shocker.
Niranjan’s friendship goes back a long way with the known families from the film fraternity which makes him so loved and valued. It is because of the exact same reason that these stars have opened up about their lives and made Niranjan their confidante on and off screen! Season one saw the top actor and actresses in the most authentic light. With Niranjan’s favourite moments and the most interesting details shared by the stars, a recap of all the wonderful experiences is what the final episode will feature.
You definitely don’t want to miss out on the best candid moments!
Watch the madness of all the stars wrapped in one glorious episode on Look Who’s Talking with Niranjan this Sunday (2 November) at 9 pm.







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