MUMBAI: The popular Star Plus show Jhanak stars Hiba Nawab in the titular role of Jhanak, alongside Krushal Ahuja as Anirudh and Chandni Sharma as Arshi. The current track of the show Jhanak revolves around the intense emotional turmoil Jhanak faces after the tragic death of her father. In the midst of the turmoil, Anirudh finds himself caught between his love for Jhanak and the complex relationship he shares with Arshi. The show Iss Ishq Ka Rab Rakha stars Fahmaan Khan and Sonakshi Batra in lead roles. The current track of the show Iss Ishq Ka Rabb Rakha revolves around Meghla and Ranbir, where Meghla has other suitors to marry, hurt by this, Ranbir too has agreed to commence his life with Adrija.
However, there might be more to come in the show Jhanak that will be a surprising for the viewers. Speculation is building that the show Jhanak will have a Mahasangam with Iss Ishq Ka Rabb Rakha, a development that has fans buzzing with excitement. If these rumors hold any truth, the crossover could focus on the dramatic collaboration between Jhanak and Meghla, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats. The possibility of this Mahasangam unfolding the lives of both characters is sure to bring intriguing new twists to the show.
If the crossover does happen, it promises to be an exciting visual treat for the audience, blending the narratives of both shows in ways that could captivate viewers and keep them hooked to their screens. It will be interesting and intriguing to witness what is in store for Jhanak in the show.
Jhanak, produced by Leena Gangopadhyay, airs on Star Plus every night at 10:30 p.m., from Monday to Sunday.
Iss Ishq Ka Rabb Rakha airs on Star Plus at 7 pm, from Monday to Sunday.
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