MUMBAI : Telugu actor Manchu Manoj took to his social media handles to announce he has tested positive for Covid-19. He also urged his friends who had met him since last week to get themselves tested to be sure if they are the clear.
On Wednesday, December 29, the 'Mr Nookayya' actor updated his fans about his health and asked them not to worry about him because he was doing "totally fine".
Manchu Manoj also thanked the doctors and nurses attending on him for the care they were providing during such hard times.
He wrote: "Tested positive for #Covid. I request everyone who met me in the last week to get tested immediately and take necessary precautions. Don't worry about me. I'm totally fine with all your love and blessings. Thanking all the Doctors and Nurses for the care #COVID19 #CovidTesting."
Actress Sneha Ullal, who has shared screen presence with Manchu Manoj, replied to the tweet and advised the 'Nenu Meeku Thelusa' actor to get properly hydrated.
"Hydrate a lot. Symptoms are manageable. Watch movies and F* Covid'" Sneha Ullal's tweet reads. One of Manoj's media friends wrote, "it's harmless now. get well soon!" To this, the star replied: "Then come, let's play chess."
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