MUMBAI: The show Deewaniyat airing on Star Plus promises to keep the audience hooked on to their television screens with interesting twists and turns. The show stars Vijayendra Kumeria (Dev), Kritika Singh Yadav (Mannat), and Navneet Malik (Jeet) in lead roles. The current track revolves around Mannat and Jeet, who are deeply in love and ready to tie the knot. However, an unexpected twist is on the horizon, leaving viewers intrigued and peaking the anticipation.
The makers dropped an intriguing promo that has left fans wondering and pondering. The sneak peek suggests that, under unforeseen circumstances, Dev and Mannat—who are arch rivals—are set to marry instead of Jeet and Mannat. The promo opens with a celebration between Jeet and Dev, who are celebrating the commencement of the wedding festivities of Jeet and Mannat, but simultaneously there is something surprising and startling that awaits—Dev and Mannat sitting in the mandap. This sudden turn of events raises one question: If Mannat and Jeet were supposed to marry, what could lead to Mannat marrying Dev instead?
Kritika Singh Yadav, portraying Mannat, looks absolutely stunning and splendid in her bridal attire, wearing a gorgeous blue lehenga that radiates elegance and extravagance. Mannat is ready to marry Jeet, but here comes the twist. Why is she in the aisle with Dev? This turn of events is bound to stir emotions, and fans are left in suspense, speculating about the mystery behind this shocking development. The drama is set to escalate in the upcoming episodes, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. What will happen next in the lives of Mannat, Dev, and Jeet? Stay tuned to find out!
Witness the drama unfold in the show Deewaniyat on 3rd December at 6pm on Star Plus!
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