MUMBAI: Ekta Kapoor's serials have always been loved by the audience. Naagin is one of them. Naagin 4 is just around the corner, and with only a few days for the show to air, the makers have now organized a Naagin event called Naagin Blockbuster, which features the previous star cast of Naagin. The event was attended by Arjun Bijalni, Karishma Tanna, Surbhi Jyoti, Pearl V Puri, Karanvir Bohra, and Sudha Chandran, and will air on December 8th on our television screens.
During the event, Arjun Bijlani asked Karishma and Jyoti if Mouni is the better Naagin. They confidently answered yes and started laughing.
Meanwhile, Naagin – Bhagya Ka Zahreela Khel or Naagin 4 starring Nia Sharma and Jasmin Bhasin, will premiere on December 14th on Colors.
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