MUMBAI: The global success of "Bandersnatch" has made Netflix officials optimistic about exploring the interactive storytelling format further.
"Bandersnatch" is an interactive film in the science fiction anthology series "Black Mirror". It became a rage as it allows viewers make decisions for the main character.
Todd Yellin, Vice President, Product, Netflix, spoke about the future of interactive storytelling, at a 'Connecting the World with Great Stories' session as part of the 20th edition of Ficci FRAMES here on Tuesday.
'Bandersnatch' was a huge hit here in India. It's a huge hit around the world, and we realized, wow, interactive storytelling is something we want to bet more on. So expect over the next year or two, to see more interactive storytelling," he said.
According to Yellin, India is remarkably well-placed in the era of Internet entertainment.
On the Oscar-winning short documentary "Period. End of Sentence", which is shot in India and has an Indian producer attached to it, he said: "Even before it won the Oscar, the film was watched by a thousand people. We are taking content on a global scale so that million of people can watch documentaries like these."
Yellin also announced plans to further expand Indian content production.
"Expect that to double next year, and then double again," he said, adding that Indian original series "Sacred Games" was a global hit for the service, with two out of three viewers of the show living outside India.
(Source: IANS)

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