MUMBAI: Meher is about to fall Sarab holds her Harleen comes and hugs him she offers him water which Sarab gives to Meher. Kulwanlt comes and hugs Sarab they thank everyone and Seema. Sanjana tells everyone you can meet Param operation will take 3-4 hours. Sarab Sanjana is shocked to see donor room empty Nurse tells them they left without saying anything inspite of her trying to stop them. Sanjana tells they are trying to control Param pulse but they only have about 4 crucial hours. Robby says they have done it for money. Kulwant says they will throw money on their face and she will make their life miserable. Yuvi goes inside and asks Param to get up, he gets emotional and says he will give everything to him. Doctor takes him away telling him Param is very sick. Nurse calls Sanjana, Param pulse has dropped. Sanjana asks them to shift
Sanjana and Harman starts packing their things fast. Harman scolds her for trying to be a donor and they have made a wrong decision by involving with such an influential person. They open the door to see Sarab, Meher, Harleen, Kulwant and Jagga standing in their doorway. Meher asks Seema if they did something wrong, whileSarab request them to come with him. Harman refuses and Sarab gets angry as they had signed the documents and cannot back off at last moment. Seema request him to leave them alone and Harman tells firmly seema cannot donate. Sarab holding Harman collar in anger and Meher stops him by holding his hand Kulwant starts threatening Seems to just shut up and get inside car. Harleen pleads with Seema. Meher asks Seems that if she don’t want money then what else can they do. Kulwant again threaten. Sarab and Meher holds their hands pleading Seema to save their son. Seema breaks down and says she is pregnant after 8 years of trying. She cryingly tells them she got a call just ten mins before operation. She tells Sarab, she dint betray them but doctor has told her that donating liver will put her baby at risk. She cant put her baby in risk for saving another child.
Seema asks Mehersince she is also pregnant, can she do it, can she put her another child at risk for saving one child. Meher touches her belly shocked. Seemacries. Sarab takes Meher out.

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