MUMBAI: Rahul Sharma, popularly known as Sarthak, for his role in ‘Pyar Ki Luka Chuppi’ on Dangal TV. In a recent chat show, the soft-hearted Rahul Sharma spoke about the legendary Irrfan Khan and how he has been a role model when it comes to his on- screen presence and easy-going personal.
In conversation, Rahul mentioned his respect for Irrfan Khan’s work and got teary eyed because the loss felt so personal to him. He believes that acting is a deep art and looked up to Irrfan khan for his exceptional work not just in Bollywood but even in the western world.
Taken all in by his emotions and with not many words to describe his feelings, he dedicated a song from the movie “Lalkaar” with the wordings:
“Jiwan ki dor
Badi kamjor
Jiwan ki dor
Badi kamjor
Kisko khabar
Hai kaha tut jaye
Gaalo muskuralo
Mahfile sajalo
Gaalo muskuralo
Mahfile sajalo”
Taking inspiration from the love and heartfelt condolences/tributes Irrfan Khan received from across the globe, Rahul promised himself to always strive for doing better.
To know more about Rahul and his onscreen love journey don’t forget to catch him on Dangal TV and find regular updates on Dangal TV’s Facebook and Instagram page.
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