Your best is never enough to win you a reality show. It’s the junta who decide the winner. The most consistent couple on <em> Nach Baliye 3 </em> – Kashmeera Shah and Krushna – have been voted out.
A fuming Kashmeera walked off the stage while Krushna couldn’t hide his emotions. The dusky damsel is still upset with the result and seeks an honest answer from the public. Though the elimination was shocking, what really irked Kashmeera was that the result was announced by her nemesis Rakhi Sawant.
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Wed, 10/31/2007 - 19:00

Your best is never enough to win you a reality show. It’s the junta who decide the winner. The most consistent couple on Nach Baliye 3 – Kashmeera Shah and Krushna – have been voted out.
A fuming Kashmeera walked off the stage while Krushna couldn’t hide his emotions. The dusky damsel is still upset with the result and seeks an honest answer from the public. Though the elimination was shocking, what really irked Kashmeera was that the result was announced by her nemesis Rakhi Sawant.
Kashmeera says,”I just don’t understand how the viewers have voted me out. The same people pay Rs 150 to watch me dance in films but they can’t spend Rs 6 for an SMS. Can someone say that Alex is a better dancer than Krushna? Is Shweta a better dancer than me? If the viewers want a popular winner then why have a contest? Just give the award to the viewer’s favourite.”
In the first week of the show, the channel aired Rakhi Sawant’s controversial allegations against Kashmeera. Were viewers influenced by this allegation? A seething Kashmeera says, “Before believing Rakhi’s tale, didn’t anyone bother to find out the truth.”
So, was the channel at fault in airing such content? “It’s the channel’s prerogative to show what they want but how can anyone lay such baseless accusation? How can you malign an innocent?”
The result was no doubt shocking but what really irked Kashmeera was that it was her Big Boss nemesis Rakhi that announced her elimination. “Could someone explain to me why was Rakhi chosen to announce the result? Rakhi’s fans considered me as the biggest threat, so they must be happy that I’ve been eliminated.”
Krushna and Kashmeera can still make a comeback via a wild card. However, Kashmeera is not that keen on a probable return. Says she, “After performing so well and still being voted out, why will I want the same thing to happen again? At the moment, there’s no motivation for me to come back.”
Rakhi Sawant was unavailable for comment.







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