All fans of Sasural Simar Ka (Rashmi Sharma Telefilms) on Colors’, we have a secret news to share with you all.
Wondering what can be the news?
Well all of you must be wondering who is Indrawati (Reshhmi Ghosh), since the time she entered the daily. We have the answer for you all curious souls.
A source shared, “With Indrawati’s help one by one all the members will get rid of the spell of the witch and will come back to the house. But, unknown to the Bhardwaj family members, Indrawati will have a hidden motive behind doing all these, which Simar (Dipika Kakar) will try to find out”.
This will surely not please Indrawati and she will try her level best to keep her secrets under the wrap.
So, to make Simar’s effort a bit easier Amar (Alan Kapoor) will hatch a plan. And guess readers, who will step in to help them?
It will be none other than Khushi (Jyotsna Chandola). Oh yes, the lady will revive from coma and will enter the house to aid Simar. Khushi will disguise as Simar, so that Simar can escape from Indrwati’s clutches and find out the truth.
Though Simar might take some time to find the truth, here we reveal the secret to our readers right now. Well later on, it will be disclosed that Indrawati was Simar’s sister in her previous birth.
Aha, quite interesting we say!
So, how will Simar react? What is Indrawati’s hidden motive?
To know more about the soap, keep revisiting this space.
We tried to get in touch with Reshhmi but the lady was busy shooting.

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