MUMBAI: Actress Saniya Nagdev, who has been winning hearts with her portrayal of Kamlesh in the popular television show Jamai No. 1 produced by Prateek Sharma and Parth Shah's Studio LSD, recently opened up about her journey on the show and her aspirations for the year ahead. Known for her vibrant energy and dedication to her craft, Saniya shared insights into her character, the show's progression, and how she balances her personal and professional life.
When asked how she sees Jamai No. 1 progressing this year, Saniya said, "Yes, of course, my show is progressing wonderfully, and I feel truly fortunate to be a part of it. I am portraying the character of Kamlesh in the show, and I absolutely enjoy bringing a bit of chaos and fun—what we lovingly call 'Kalesh'—to the storyline. The entire team is having an amazing time shooting together, and I believe this joy and camaraderie translate into a highly entertaining experience for our audience. The response has been incredible, and it’s heartening to see the show grow day by day."
Saniya believes that relatable storytelling stems from the complexity of characters. "No matter what type of character you play—whether it’s positive, negative, or comic—every role has its own significance. Ups and downs are part of every character’s journey, and they are essential for storytelling. When you showcase your craft genuinely and effectively, it resonates with the audience. This connection is what ultimately ensures the success of a show," she explained.
Working on a daily soap comes with its own challenges, especially when it comes to managing personal time. Saniya admitted that the packed schedules can be demanding but emphasized her passion for acting. "As actors, we often find our schedules imbalanced since we work almost every day, from Monday to Sunday. To be honest, I feel this is something everyone in the industry experiences. While getting a day off is a relief, I find myself eagerly waiting for the next day’s call time. Being on set, surrounded by the energy of the shooting environment, becomes a habit. Despite these challenges, acting brings immense happiness. If you are truly happy from within, everything else becomes manageable," she said.
Acknowledging that a lack of personal time can sometimes spill over into professional life, Saniya shared her perspective: "It’s all about balance. Even though we work tirelessly, finding joy in what we do makes it easier to manage everything. When you’re passionate about your work, it fuels you to keep going despite the challenges."
For Saniya, self-improvement remains a priority. "As an actor, I always feel a sense of responsibility toward the characters I portray. It’s important for me to contribute to my role through personal input and improvisation. When you’re entrusted with a character, it’s vital to give your all and put in maximum effort. For me, the small details matter the most—whether it’s conveying emotions through my eyes or delivering a powerful dialogue, my focus is always on connecting with the audience," she said.
Looking ahead, Saniya plans to refine her craft further. "Improving my craft is something I work on every day. I strive to ensure that the people who have put their faith in me for a project feel proud of their decision. This, I believe, not only ensures my success but also brings life and victory to the character I portray," she concluded.
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