Sanjaya Malakar, the prospective <em> American Idol</em> with the Indian descent is out of the fray. He acquired the lowest votes for his act in round six on Wednesday night. Thanks to all the backlash and publicity he found himself amongst the top six finalists but in the recent episode was voted off the show with Likasha Jones just steps ahead of him.
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Thu, 04/19/2007 - 17:50

Sanjaya Malakar, the prospective American Idol with the Indian descent is out of the fray. He acquired the lowest votes for his act in round six on Wednesday night. Thanks to all the backlash and publicity he found himself amongst the top six finalists but in the recent episode was voted off the show with Likasha Jones just steps ahead of him.
However Malakar did put up a show during his performance of "Let's give them something to talk about - love", a Bonnie Raitt number. He didn't just shake a leg; he extended his jig across the podium to the stage behind the judge's desk,in his attempts of getting closer to the audience.
This time the hairdo was a simple bandana across the forehead to prevent his locks from shading his eyes. It was a better sight than his regular doodle dog look accompanied by a Jim Carrey Mask grin. But the trademark simper was wiped off his face as soon as the results were announced.
Judges commented nothing different from the previous times; Randy Jackson clearly said that he sounded like a karaoke singer, however he really like the Bandana this time. Simon Cowell was at his rudest best, he rated it 'utterly horrendous' adding that he felt it was a deja vu of the screening rounds of the American Idol. Paula Abdul did not comment on his performance at all, she voiced the fact that he had the fans by his side. Cowell rebuked Ryan Secrest when the anchor tried to intervene between the insults, accusing Cowell of not liking Sanjaya in the first place hence his performance mattered as high as stale peanuts. Cowell shooed him off like a stray, shutting him up for the evening.
What one could not miss out on was the cheer after Sanjaya's performance, it blocked out the judges voices which became inaudible and Cowell had to silence his views for a while. However when the decisive moment arrived things didn't look too comfortable for Sanjaya; he had the weakest audience support of them all. Tears flowed from his eyes and of his fans and family who were seated in the first row. Malakar did not lose heart; he gathered himself and politely said, "It was an amazing experience to be a part of the American Idol." Cowell did not look affected by the vote out. There wasn't a cheer or sigh.
Malakar presented the Bonnie Raitt farm song with a twist in the end, 'Lets give them something to talk about - except the hair!" It was a complete hit out at everybody who considers him a feather brained Mohawk!
In our opinion, this is not the end of Sanjaya Malakar; we may see him soon either featuring in commercials for hair products, or maybe tooth paste or something that ensures a mandatory mass appeal. Sanjaya has just begun and he is no fool to lose this platform and return home.
Write to us your opinions on his possible future endorsements or moves that you think Malakar will make. Email us at [email protected]







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