MUMBAI : Well, the truth is out. While most of India was going ga-ga over Sunny Leone, not all inmates in the Bigg Boss 5 house were aware of her involvement in the porn industry and the fact that she was an international porn star. After her return, Pooja Misrra tried to coax her to come out of the closet and talk about her occupation. But Sunny shooed her away, telling her to mind her own business. Then, it was the turn of Sanjay Dutt to remind her of Pooja’s advice and to come clean, but he left the choice up to her. He asked her if she was afraid, and she very clearly responded. "No I am not scared," she said. "Whatever I have seen in this house for the past three weeks - I am here for my fans. Bigg Boss took a big risk by selecting me for this show..and to survive..wow...a judgement is taken in a second about you and your character and what you do and don't do. Why you don't give an opinion? Seeing all this, I thought to myself, who I am I in this house? What is my background? I believe there are many judgmental people in the Bigg Boss house and they will use everything about me for their benefit." Sunny mulled over his prodding and she finally decided to take the load off her chest, literally, saying she will deal with those judgements and repercussions. She told the housemates that she is a Pet of the Year and that she is a contract girl for Vivid Entertainment. She then added that she made adult films in America and that she was here to prove to the whole wide world and to India that she is a good person. Sunny then confidently revealed that she is a porn star had entered the porn industry out of her own volition and it was a career choice she was proud of. She also added she did not care what people thought of her and it was ok if her inmates would avoid her after her disclosure about her adult film work. But apparently that was not to be: as the inmates applauded her for being honest. And Sanjay Dutt then went on to tell her the problem in the house is that everyone is presumptuous. "Don't presume," said Sanjay. "Everything will turn out good." However, Sunny is clear that still waters run deep and only time will tell whether inmates will accept or reject her. Or take advantage of her revelation. Hmmm….Viewers can expect some sizzling times ahead.

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