MUMBAI: Ekta Kapoor's Kundali Bhagya always features high on the TRP charts. However, the story is not extraordinary. The show receives love and has innumerable fan clubs on Instagram but also receives criticism for some tracks or scenes that are beyond human understanding or logic. The show features Shraddha Arya, Dheeraj Dhoopar in lead roles. Let's take a look at three such instances.
1. Shraddha Arya, who essays the role of Preeta, gets arrested on the basis of a video but nobody tries to check if the video is fabricated or not. Even the police doesn't think of it.
2. Ruhi Chaturvedi, who plays the role of the antagonist Sherlyn is shown pregnant for quite some time now. However, nobody's aware of her four month's pregnancy and neither her bump is visible at all.
3. Dheeraj Dhoopar aka Karan Luthra did not love Preeta but had the guts to stop her wedding in between, push her groom and sit with her in the mandap. Preeta, too, gave in and married Karan without having a decision of her own. Later, he left her stranded on the roads and lived separately without letting her get married to anyone else.
Do you have any other such instances that made you cringe?
Credits: TOI
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