MUMBAI: The episode begins with Naira getting worried when a renowned lawyer, Damini Mishra commits to Kartik for Kairav's custody case. Later, Kartik calls Naira to court for the legal proceedings. The next morning, Naira and Kartik prepare themselves for a face off in the court. Vedika offered Kartik sweet for wishing him luck, but he shrugs her and tells her that she should stay away from his and Naira’s matters as much as possible. Suhasini makes him eat the sweet and tells him that no matter what, he should take care of family’s prestige and not to consider Naira as his enemy. Kartik tells her that he would do as she said and keep in mind things that she had told him.
Meanwhile, Naira convinces Kairav to go boating with Kaveri and Devyani. Kairav questions Naira about the work but she manages to convince Kairav that she had to attend some important work. While leaving, Naira trips and sprains her ankle. Kairav finds Naira’s phone and runs out to give it to her and falls down. Naira comes back to look after Kairav’s injury and gets late for the legal proceedings. Naksh rushes her and she convinces Kairav so that he let her go.
Naksh hurries and assures Naira that they would make it on time and that there was nothing to worry. Meanwhile, Damini instigates Kartik by telling him that it was one of Naira’s gimmick and like she had warned him earlier, people often tend to behave out of their usual behaviour in order to win the case. Just as Naksh and Naira was about to reach the court, Kaveri calls Naira and tells her to return immediately. Naira comes back home and finds Kairav in a tricky situation. While playing, a piece of peanut gets stuck in Kairav’s nose and Naira suggests him to sneeze as hard as he could.
Kartik gets furious as Naira did not appear in the court and leaves for the Singhania house. Suhasini, Surekha and Gayu wondered why Naira did not come while Vedika stood tense. Kartik comes inside and tells Naira that he did not want to believe what others were telling him and that although he did not want to hear any excuses, she should not miss the next hearing in any circumstances.

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