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Thu, 06/13/2019 - 11:03

MUMBAI: The episode starts with Gayu asking Kartik if he talked to Vedika. He said no. She said she left in a taxi, she took her bags. Dadi said to get her back. Manish said to get her back with the right with which he got her there for the first time. Some goons followed Vedika. Some goons came to Naira and went close to hold her. She turned to them. Vedika turned and saw goons. Naira said she had no money to give them. The goon said they want their money if she wanted to have a class there. The goon teased Vedika. She cried. The goon said they will kidnap Kairav as well. Kartik shouted to not touch her and offered his wallet. The goons kept the wallet.
Naira saw Kairav coming. The goon punched Kartik’s face. Kartik recalled Naira and those goons’ incident. He beat the goons. Naira scolded them and beat them. The goon threatened her. She asked them to run away. Kartik asked Vedika why she came there and ran away. He scolded her and told her that something would’ve happened to her if he hadn’t come on time. She cried. He said stop crying and apologized and said every girl should know to protect herself. She said but every girl was not Naira. Liza reprimanded Naira for fighting the goons. Naira said they fought with her. Liza said everyone gave Hafta there. Naira said she won’t give; she was not scared of them. Kairav looked on. Naira said one shall always fight. Liza said they can come again and said Kairav’s daddy wasn’t there.
Kartik and Vedika came home. Everyone asked where she went. Kartik said he just found her. Dadi asked if she was upset with anyone. Gayu took Vedika. Manish said if injustice happened with her, it doesn’t mean that injustice should happen with everyone. Akhilesh said he got her there two years back. Samarth said she had hoped from you. Manish said he had to accept this. Akhilesh said everyone missed Kartik. Suwarna said to give him some time. Manish asked how much time. Dadi said to think well, Naira won’t come back. Manish said that that loneliness is the biggest punishment. He may feel guilty for replacing Naira at first but everyone makes their own place.
Dadi told him to fix his relationship. Naira came home and felt scared because that goon took Kairav’s name, or because Liza told that, Kairav can ask her about his dad again. Kairav recalled Naira and punched the soft toy. Naira saw him and asked did they teach this in school. Kairav said he was practicing because he wanted to become strong for her. She smiled and said they both have to become strong, and then none can trouble them.
Kartik came to some room and marks on the wall. He recalled his words and that dreadful night. Maine socha bhi na tha played. Just because of one mistake he lost everything. Samarth said Kartik was inside the room. Akhilesh said he knew. Manish did skating. Samarth said he was worried for Kartik. Suwarna said Manish may fall down and break bones in this age. He asked did he get old. She said yes. He acted young. Samarth and Akhilesh smiled. Manish said to not insult him in front of his brothers. She said as if they don’t know. The guys came to meet Manish. Samarth said maybe they came to meet Kartik. Manish said no, they are his friends. Vansh shouted Dada ji. He asked guys to go, he will meet later. The guys left. Manish asked how he is his Dada ji, hi is his Tau ji. Vansh asked why not Dada ji because he looked like Dada ji. Manish said he is not anyone’s Dada ji. He ran after Vansh. Samarth and Akhilesh laughed. Manish said you would have taught him. Samarth said he taught his son to say the truth. He ran. Manish ran after him. Suwarna cried and said no one had forgotten you, it’s her birthday tomorrow and she doesn’t know what Kartik thinking was.
Naira gave her scooty on rent. The man showed his license and gave money. Naira said to be careful. Kairav and Liza looked on. Liza said she doesn’t remember her birthday. Kairav asked if she saw his dad. Liza said no and said it’s his mum’s birthday. He said sorry. She thought Naira will be upset hearing him. He said they will plan a birthday. Naira said the money yoga classes were conducted less, her budget wasn’t balanced. Kairav said they will take money from his piggy bank. Liza laughed and said not to break the piggy bank. She got the piggy bank. She counted the money. She said she can help. He said no. She said fine. He said if he didn’t eat ice cream, he would have saved money. Liza said to not talk senti and they can celebrate a good birthday in this amount.
Kartik came to the room and smiled seeing Naira jumping and dancing. She said it’s her birthday tomorrow. They made plans. She disappeared. He cried and said her birthday will always be special for him and her birthday will be celebrated she would like it.







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