MUMBAI: For veteran actor Kanwaljit Singh, dreams don’t have any final date. After nearly five decades in the industry, his long-awaited wish has finally come true; working with the iconic Rajshri Productions. And the project that made it happen? Bada Naam Karenge, the latest offering from showrunner Sooraj R. Barjatya. In the series, Kanwaljeet steps into the pivotal role of Anand Raathi, Rishabh's wise and loving uncle.
Reflecting on this milestone, Kanwaljit shared, "I have been in the industry for over 40 years, and working with Rajshri Productions has always been a dream. I’ve admired their work, values, and commitment to storytelling. Being a part of this project now feels surreal. Anand Raathi is a complex character, full of love, wisdom, and values. He’s the glue that holds the family together, and I’m honored to play this role. This is a story that will touch your heart, make you laugh, and maybe even bring a tear to your eye. It’s about love, family, and values. I’m proud to be a part of it and hope the audience loves it as much as I do."
Directed by Palash Vaswani, Bada Naam Karenge is a celebration of love that challenges expectations and redefines what it means to be a family. It’s a beautiful reminder that true love is found not just in the rituals, but in the deep connection between two hearts. Will Rishabh and Surbhi follow their hearts? Their journey will capture your heart and remind you of the power of love and family. Produced by Rajshri Productions, the series features a stellar ensemble cast, including Ritik Ghanshani, Ayesha Kaduskar, Kanwaljeet Singh, Alka Amin, Rajesh Jais, Chitrali Lokesh, Deepika Amin, Jameel Khan, Rajesh Tailang, Anjana Sukhani, Sadhika Sayal, Gyanendra Tripathi, Priyamvada Kant, Omm Dubey, and Bhavesh Babani, among others.
Bada Naam Karenge streaming from 7th Feb exclusively on Sony LIV!
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