MUMBAI: The much-awaited crime-thriller series Swipe Crime premiered in Delhi to widespread acclaim. Produced by Harsh Mainra, Prashant Shinde, and Jyoti Chauhan under the banner of Versatile Motion Pictures, the series has struck a chord with audiences nationwide, emerging as a standout title on Amazon MX Player.
Since its release, Swipe Crime has captivated viewers with its thrilling plot and relatable characters, amassing 2.1 million views within its initial days. It has also secured a coveted position in the top 10 OTT viewership rankings for three weeks consecutively, with overall viewership crossing 8 million, solidifying its place as a must-watch series.
The series centers around a group of college students who accidentally uncover a massive dating app scam operating within their university campus. What follows is a gripping tale of their quest for justice as they navigate the shadows of cybercrime while balancing the complexities of their personal lives.
Swipe Crime features a stellar ensemble cast, including Rishab Chadha, Arun Choudhary, Hardik Thakkar, Nihal Nischal, Ronit Ashra, Sanyam Sharma, Faizal Malik, and Rajesh Sharma. The show’s unique blend of suspense and relevance has struck a chord with viewers, addressing pertinent issues of cybersecurity and privacy in the digital age.
The Delhi premiere saw several notable guests gracing the event, including RJ Kisna, Yuvraj Dua, Rishabh Shukla, Rrajesh Yadav, Rajan Arora, Parmish Verma, Ashneer Grover, Lakshay Chaudhary, Harsh Dhaka, Maheep Singh, Ravir Narula, Pritish Narula, and Kaustubh Agarwal.
The resounding success of Swipe Crime has already fueled anticipation for a second season, setting a high benchmark for OTT content and further cementing its legacy as a game-changer in the crime-thriller genre.
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