MUMBAI: Regarded as one on the greatest gurus of Indian instrumental music, Pandit Kartick Kumar, on the 82nd birthday launched Pandit Kartick Kumar Foundation in Mumbai Rang Mandir Bandra to promote Indian music and culture.
The foundation was inaugurated with an all-day long music bonanza today at Sheila Gopal Raheja Auditorium. Patrons were privy to a stellar line-up with artists like Vishwamohan Bhatt, Mahesh Kale, Rahul Deshpande, Jayateerth Mevundi, Amaan Ali Bangash, Niladri Kumar, Vijay Ghate, Satyajit Talwalkar, Majusha Patil, Sheetal Kolwalkar, Atul Upadhye performing throughout the day. Pandit Kartick Kumar was also seen performing the Surbahar while his son Niladri Kumar performed a special set for Amitabh Bachchan. To inaugurate the foundation, instead of a traditional ribbon cutting, Mr. Bachchan, in the presence of all the special guests, played a few notes on the Zitar gifted to him by Niladri Kumar.
Amitabh Bachchan stated, “I am honoured to be seated amongst such luminaries today. I had heard Niladri Kumar for the first time at an event where they were playing some ambient music through a CD. I was so mesmirised by that music I requested the person to tell me the name of the musician. He searched and then said it's 'some Niladri Kumar's. I thought to myself, what a fool this person must be to say some Niladri Kumar, he has no idea about this artist. An artist so unique and one of a kind, such humans are rarely created. After that I searched and bought all Niladri Kumar albums and CDs and till date every day I listen to his music and it gives me so much calm, peace and joy. It has become a part of my life. My father had once told me that when Lataji sings she is like a stream of honey, in perfect continuous melody and synergy. When I hear Niladriji, I remember exactly that what my father said. Niladriji is that artist who's sound is so special , his music is so unique and he is in such perfect melody just like that stream of endless pure honey. "

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