MUMBAI: It was Band Baaja Baaraat that kick-started Bollywood’s dashing actor Ranveer Singh’s career in Bollywood along side Anushka Sharma. The film worked wonders at the box office and the two bagged heaps of appreciation from the critics and the audience. The duo featured in two other films Ladies Vs Vicky Bahl and Dil Dhadakne Do and stole our hearts once again with their amazing chemistry. Recently, the stars reunited at an awards function and the two were caught sharing a funny moment.
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. #RanveerOfficial: let ask the very beautiful and talented Anushka Sharma what does success means to you? #AnushkaSharma: you're not a host. At #EllleBeautyAwards tonight. #AnuVeer (video credit : Twitter :RanveerSinghtbt)
385 Likes, 6 Comments - This is an Anushkapaedia. (@anushkasharma_lovers) on Instagram: ". #RanveerOfficial: let ask the very beautiful and talented Anushka Sharma what does success means..."
On the work front, Ranveer will soon be seen in ‘83 which is based on India’s cricket World Cup win in 1983 where the actor will play the role of the Indian Cricket team's former captain, Kapil Dev. While Anushka Sharma was last seen in Zero with Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif.
What’s your take on Ranveer and Anushka’s this Band Baja moment? Do leave your comments below.
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(Source: Pinkvilla)
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