MUMBAI: Actor Amitabh Bachchan feels a world without smartphones is an improbability, and adds that people are realising its value worldwide amid the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.
Drawing comparison with the world before smartphones, Big B said: "In the 90's on a private visit to the BigApple; the city that never sleeps – NYC, New York USA – when the mobile was in its early prevalence, but not in its supreme, the Contact list had an ‘h' after the name ... The ‘h' was for ‘hand'.. the hand phone .. the mobile .. it went wherever your hand went."
"In the times of the present that ‘h' has lost its importance .. it's understood .. the 10 digits that follow after .. more likely the ‘h' needs replacement .. it should be an ‘s' .. !! ‘s'.. the smart phone !! Or better still a ‘W' .. ‘W' for the ‘world' .. that is what it has become .. the world .. the world in your hand," he mentioned.
Big B continued: "Earlier you left home and never forgot to carry your wallet, your keys of the house, the car, the office wherever .. you leave wherever you are sitting today to move and the hand goes to the ‘W' instantly .. A world without that smart phone is an improbability today and never has its value been evaluated more than in the world wide CoViD 19 crisis!
"Communication has redefined itself … it's not about sitting around with the family or a group of friends in a room over a cup of coffee ... it's about sitting around in a room with a cup of coffee with friends .. BUT not together yet together .. that is the marvel of the ‘smarty'," he added.
The actor feels that smartphones come with smart ways to work while maintaining social distancing.
"Shoot a film with 12 artists in different parts of the world making it look as though they were all in one room, was a unique idea and a unique exercise ... everything was controlled, conveyed, communicated and composed with the ‘smart'," he noted.
The actor added: "Did a poem recitation to music and visual. No sweat. The smart mobile did it all. Sat in front of it and recorded the verse. Sent it through the smart to music composer. Went on to a Con Call with the music partner and the recordist, all in different parts of the city and all at home .. got a final mix of the track, shot the visual and sent it back to the edit for the patch .. got back the final and on to the social media outlets within seconds .. All of it with the latest and most sacred ‘invention' of the modern world, after the invention of the ‘wheel' .. The Smart Mobile."
"What ever will we do without it .. or rather .. how in hell did we ever do without it," he said while concluding his piece for Samsung Newsroom.
The actor expressed his views in a special piece authored for Samsung.

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