MUMBAI: Arjun Kapoor and Rakul Preet Singh will be collaborating for the first time in a yet-untitled family drama produced by Bhushan Kumar, Nikkhil Advani, and John Abraham. Recently, there are reports doing the rounds that producer Nikkhil Advani has requested John Abraham for a cameo in the family drama, and the actor was happy to step in.
A source revealed that Kaashvie Nair directed film is essentially about Arjun and Rakul's character. The 'Satyameva Jayate' actor has been roped in to play a younger version of Kumud Mishra in the film and will feature in one of the flashback sequences. The source further stated that the makers are on a hunt for a newcomer to portray Neena Gupta's younger version. Post 'Satyamev Jayate 2' shoot John will shoot for his portions in the film.
Arjun, Rakul, and the team will fly to Los Angeles for the final shoot after the second schedule. Filming will be wrapped up by January end, following which the team moves on to post-production.
The film will release next year. Neena’s get-up in the film is prosthetic-heavy. There were several look tests that she underwent with the team in October. Her look, once unveiled, will surprise many.
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