MUMBAI: Nimrat Kaur recently celebrated the vibrant festival of Lohri with a close-knit group of friends and celebrities. The actress took to her social media handle to share glimpses of the celebration alongside renowned B-town personalities such as Kabir Bedi, Kunal Roy Kapoor, Mukesh Rishi, Raima Sen, Sandeepa Dhar, and Ashish Verma. Nimrat, who is currently shooting in Rajasthan for an upcoming project with these actors, planned the festive evening. While Sunny Kaushal is also part of the project, the actor missed the celebrations.
Along with a series of glimpses, Nimrat penned a sweet caption, “Lohri, us, the best food and regal views!! There was sarson da saag, revaris and gajjak…and only love, laughter with the most beautiful company on this unforgettable full moon night.” She also tagged Sunny Kaushal in the post, adding, “You were missed while you worked!!”
Beyond Nimrat, actor Kabir Bedi also shared pictures on his social media and expressed gratitude to her for planning the delightful dinner. The snippets from the Lohri celebration highlight a warm and joyous evening, with actors gathered around the bonfire, celebrating with music, laughter, and great food.
While details of the upcoming project remain under wraps, Nimrat Kaur is gearing up for the release of Sky Force. The actress will be seen sharing the screen with Akshay Kumar, Veer Pahariya, and Sara Ali Khan in the film, directed by Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Anil Kapur. Sky Force is set to hit theatres on January 24. Nimrat also has Section 84 in the pipeline, where she will star alongside the legendary Amitabh Bachchan and Diana Penty, among others.
With an impeccable combination of past successes and exciting upcoming projects, Nimrat Kaur continues to impress her fans with her versatility and dedication to her craft.
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