MUMBAI: Bollywood actress Nushrratt Bharuccha recently lived out a cherished dream when legendary playback singer Kumar Sanu gave her a shoutout during an event. The moment turned into an unforgettable memory for the actress, who has always been a fan of the iconic singer. As Kumar Sanu called her on stage, the excitement and joy on Nushrratt's face were evident, making it a moment to cherish for her.
The veteran singer called her on the stage and the duo rocked the stage as together they groove on the iconic songs of yesteryear by Kumar Sanu.
Known for her roles in films like Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety and Dream Girl, Nushrratt has time and again shared her admiration for Kumar Sanu.
The actress is gearing up for the release of the much-anticipated Chhorii 2, directed by Vishal Furia. A sequel to the critically acclaimed thriller Chhorii, the upcoming film promises to delve deeper into the spine-chilling world created in the first installment. The film will be streamed on Amazon Prime video later this year.
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