MUMBAI : Actress Rasika Dugal is still not confident of her cooking skills, and the fact seems apparent from a picture she posted on Instagram.
Rasika took to Instagram, where she shared a picture of herself looking into her utensil with confusion.
"Daal main kuch kala......three months and still suspicious of my own cooking," she captioned the image.
Her friend and actress Tillotama Shome wrote: "Hahahah Rasika."
Rasika recently enrolled in an online music class, and says learning how to sing is like learning a new language.
(ALSO READ: Rasika Dugal: Self-shooting at home a lot of work but great fun)
"I have always enjoyed singing, even though I am not particularly good at it. Whenever I have had spare time, I join a music class," Rasika said.
As she continues to spend time indoors amid the Covid-19 crisis, Rasika has been honing her singing acumen. She is taking online lessons from singer Pranita Deshpande.
(ALSO READ: Rasika Dugal: I'm happiest when I'm working)

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