MUMBAI: Suhana Khan is one of the most popular star kids. She has a huge fan following. The star kid has been pursuing belly dancing amid the lockdown. Yes, Suhana Khan has been taking belly dancing lessons virtually with her trainer. And today, Suhana’s trainer took to Instagram to post a collage of before lockdown and during lockdown photo with Suhana Khan. While in one photo, Suhana Khan and her trainer are seen clicking a mirror selfie at the studio, in the other photo, Suhana Khan and her trainer are doing belly dancing online and alongside the photo, the trainer wrote, “Dec 2019 #beforelockdown May 2020 #lockdown4 With @suhanakhan2 Level up #onlinebellydanceclass #artofbellydancewithsanjana…”
(ALSO READ: Suhana Khan looks gorgeous in her latest video)
Well, it was recently that Suhana Khan made her Instagram account public and ever since, the star kid has been sharing photos on her channel. Earlier, Suhana took to Instagram and posted a few pictures in which she is seen donning make-up as she captioned the photos as “Experimenting,” and later, Suhana’s mom, Gauri Khan, posted a picture of Suhana from their house as she wrote, “Learning make-up tips, indoor activity.”
Speaking about Suhana Khan, she is currently studying at a film school in New York University, however, due to the pandemic, Suhana Khan came back to Mumbai to be with her parents.
Check out Suhana Khan's photos as she takes virtual belly dancing lessons:
(ALSO READ: Suhana Khan's picture wearing old dress of mom goes viral)
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