MUMBAI: Anokha Bandhan actor Rinku Ghosh agrees that good looks are still considered important in the entertainment industry, but she stressed that over time it loses to talent.
She said, “Good looks definitely get you noticed. It can even get you work easily. It may work for one or two projects as well, but ultimately it is talent that takes over. In the long run, only talent sustains an actor's career and keeps them relevant.”
However, she believes that luck does play a huge role in the industry. “I would say, you have the talent and work hard, and if your luck supports you at the same time, nothing can stop you then. Talent and perseverance set the foundation, but luck often accelerates success,” she said.
The entertainment industry is quite competitive, but Rinku stressed that despite the competition, there is always some work for a talented individual.
She said, “I agree that there is cutthroat competition with the increase in platforms. But also, there is work for every right person. We have seen many new talents too. I see it as more opportunity. It’s all about standing out and finding your niche in this competitive world.”
What about favouritism in the industry? “Favoritism exists everywhere and in every profession, even in our homes. And there is no denial about that. So, our industry is not an exception. While it can be frustrating, it’s important to focus on your growth and keep pushing forward,” she said.
Rinku also shared that many times she has lost an opportunity due to favouritism. She said, “It hurts when a not-so-talented person or someone who doesn’t fit the character gets the project just on the basis of contacts, favoritism, or followers. I feel bad for a few days and then again get up and fight for better things. Staying motivated through setbacks is key to staying in the game.”

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