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Fri, 03/21/2014 - 12:23

Veena Malik’s fight with her former business associate Prashant Singh is no longer a fight between two individuals. It has gone to the national level.
Incensed, Veena’s husband Asad Basheer Khattak lashes out at Singh accusing him of posting an anti-India tweet on his wife’s account.
Says Khattak, “This is no longer a fight between two individuals. It has gone to level of political battle between two countries. How can he put ‘India sucks’ on the Twitter on my wife’s behalf? This matter has now blown up into a diplomatic issue. I am taking up the matter at the highest level. This guy would have to answer why he dared to do what he did. It was intolerable enough that you were insulting my wife. Now you’re insulting relations between the two countries. He will have to face criminal and anti-national charges.”
Shocked and concerned Salman Khan called up the couple to ask what was going on.
After the hacking of her Twitter account and his admission that he had indeed posted an anti-India tweet in her name, a seething Veena Malik says from Dubai that Prashant is on a vendetta spree and he must be stopped.
Says Veena, “Since December 2013 a company called Hugeh digital which is run by @iprashantsingh is using my previous twitter account @iveenamalik. I have filed a complaint, spoken to my lawyers. But he is still tweeting.”
Veena claims Prashant has a history of legal offences. “There are many police cases running against @iprashantsingh .There is one divorce case where his wife has made some queer allegations. In another case he stole a car. There are many other instances where he has been blackmailing his clients through his company Hugeh digital.”
Adds Veena, “He worked for me for Rs 10,000 per month salary. I treated him like a brother and paid him 3 years’ advance salary. I have proof of all the payment by checks. He was my photographer and digital manager. After I got married he asked for more money which I said I might not pay and since then his arm-twisting tactics are going on.”
Says Veena, “What he is doing is so disgusting and ridiculous. I have made it very clear that @iveenamalik is fake and being hacked on many forums. Tweets from that account do not represent me. I’d never speak against a country that has given me so much.”
This chronic problem apart Veena is fine in her newly-married life. “I'm fine and happy with my married life I was in the USA with my family where I had our white wedding and then we had a wedding reception in the UK and now I'm back in Dubai, only to be confronted by this terrible situation over which I seem to have no control.”
When asked about Prashant’s motive for what he is doing Veena said, “The main reason he is doing all this, is my 3-crore worth wardrobe in his control. I'm demanding my stuff back and he is blackmailing me. I have placed my diamond jewellery, branded bags worth Rs 75 lakh and my entire wardrobe in his possession. I took a room on rent in his apartment for my wardrobe for which I made a payment of Rs 3 lakh. Now he is not returning that. And he is telling everyone that I lived with him. I have all my hotel bills .Whenever I am in Mumbai I always stayed at Taj Lands End and Oakwood Apartments.... I never lived in his slum area.... he just wants all my stuff, that's all.”
Says Veena, “I’ve always been very honest about my life and my love life. If I had a relationship with this guy why would I not admit it? My husband is sitting right here in front of and I’m telling you I’ve told him everything about my past. Why would I have hidden this if it was true?”
Let’s see how the fight heats up in the coming days.







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