Zee TV’s popular daily Ishq Subhan Allah has been enthralling the audience with some high-octane drama. The team has been tirelessly shooting for the scenes and giving their hundred per cent to attain perfection.
However, the talented actor Gautam Vig who plays the negative lead (Meraj) on the show has been keeping unwell for the last few days. Despite being on a high dose of antibiotics and undergoing medical treatment, he has been shooting every day.
He shared, “I have been keeping unwell for the past few days but I have not taken a break. We have to meet tight deadlines when it comes to working for daily soaps and hence I have been shooting for my scenes despite illness. I extremely love my job and cannot afford to miss the thrill around on the sets. The cast and crew of the show have been very supportive and they are taking good care of me.”
Like they say, the show must go on and Gautam Vig clearly proves this with his determination and commitment towards his work!
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