MUMBAI: The episopde starts with Kulfi noticing that Sikander has Nimrat’s special handkerchief.When he cleans his shoes with that same handkerchief, it only solidifies her belief that the person is not the real Sikander.
Lovely and Kulfi are talking. Lovely tells Kulfi about Sikander’s accidents and tells her that the doctors had to reconstruct his face. She tries to assure Kulfi that she is misunderstanding Sikander. But Kulfi is confident about the person is not her father, Sikander. Bhola, Nandini, and Pakhi spend good time with each other.
The next morning, Kulfi is woken up with Sikander’s voice. When she goes to check the music room, she finds Sikander there. Chandan tells Kulfi to go get ready. Pakhi reaches home after school. Bhola is with her but hidden inside a sack. Pakhi is upset about not being invited to a schoolmate’s birthday party. She says so to Nandini.
Pakhi’s grandmother visits them. Bhola introduces himself as Pakhi’s father and Nandini’s husband. Nani is unhappy about the marriage. Bhola tries to calm her down.
Pakhi and Bhola are talking when she tells him that they are very poor and Nandini doesn’t even have money to wear specs.
Chandan and Kulfi go for a recording. Kulfi has difficulty in singing. Nandini explains the situation to Nani. Nani is upset and questions Nandini what she’ll do if Bhola starts regaining his memory back. The client at recording studio is upset with Chandan. Chandan in turn threatens Kulfi.

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