Friendship Day is celebrated in India on the first Sunday of August.
It is renowned to memorialize the bond of friendship. Here, it has arrived and everyone is looking forward to celebrate this day with lot of love and zeal. On this day the world admires the affectionate accord of friendship.
Here are TV celebs getting candid about their most loved friendships!
Shubhaavi Choksey
I don't have one best friend, I have 4-5 best friends who have been with me for ages. One is my school friend Mithila, who is my everything. She has moved to Singapore. The second one is Sushma, I met her when I was 17 years old and we all call her Munandi. She is at least 10 years older to me but looks 15 years younger than me. She is like my mother, my sister and my best friend. Next is Zuzo, I met him in college when I was 18. He is my husband's best friend and my best friend also. He is our common best friend for 17 years. I met Adaa at the age of 23 and she is still my best friend. My husband and I started off as friends and he is my friend for 12 years. My stylist has become a very close friend of mine as well. Reema Shah and I know each other for 9 years.
Anupama Solanki
Everyone needs a good friend in life. My mother has always said that a good friend is equal to God and I feel my best friend is my mom. I share everything with her. I have very limited friends and I think I don't need anyone else as well. I am very lucky that God gave me 'mother-friend-god, 3 in 1 package.
Subuhi Joshi
I’d say I’ve two best friends, Iqbal and Vishal. I met Iqbal in 2013 while shooting for a show, he was the creative there. Somehow, we connected so well that even after the show went off air, our friendship grew stronger. Then he introduced me to this super funny guy named Vishal in 2014. They both were friends and used to chill, later three of us started gelling so well, that our trio became inseparable. The best thing which both of them mutually taught me was to be self-sufficient. They’ve always advised me to have faith on myself and to not be dependent on anybody for anything, which is a really important thing to learn nowadays. I always think about what I would do without them, I don’t open up easily in front of people. Hence, I’ve very a few friends. But having these two is a blessing, we all fight too but at the end, we always unite. It’s so important to have a best friend, lucky me, I’ve two of them.
Amal Sehrawat
My son Krishay is my best friend. The day he was born, it was the most special day of my life and I am so grateful to God for this precious gift. He has taught me to live every moment to fullest and never carry any baggage. One moment he is angry and next moment he forgets it and is so cool as if nothing happened.
Tinaa Dattaa
I have two best friends, who have been my constants, one is Moneesha Das and the other one is Aneri Desai. I know them for years now and its very weird and funny how I met them. We met through common friends who now we are not in touch with with. But we are best friends, so that’s amazing. I met Aneri through a friend. I had gone for New Years party at their place and there I met Aneri. We were travelling for Tomorrow Land and Aneri and I had to share a room. Initially, I did not wanted to share the room but our common friend Vikas told me that she is an amazing girl. I thought I should give it a shot and trust me, from then onwards, we became the best of friends, which we never thought. I met Moneesha also through a common friend. Moneesha had come to Mumbai and we partied at my place. She staying back and we shared a lot of things. We spoke the entire night and we stayed in touch and eventually became best friends.
Ira Sone
My best friend Joyce and I have been friends for 12 years. She was my first friend when I moved to Mumbai and has been my constant support. We met at a job interview and clicked instantly. She’s my biggest critic and my well wisher, who’s always been by my side. We share a crazy sister bond, I think it’s very important to have a friend who isn’t scared to tell you your flaws and once in a while, do crazy things with you and let loose from daily routine. I’m glad I have mine.
Sahil Anand
My first best friend is in US and it’s been 5 years since he has not come to India. Recently, my best friend is Aryamann Seth. You always learnt from your best friends and even teach them new things. Friendship is part of learning and teaching, so I learn a lot of good things from him. We have many things in common. I think my best friend is very important as you have so many things in life which you cannot just share with anyone but best friend and get advice from them. There are friends who are not there at your bad times, so make sure that you have friends who are there in your good as well as bad times, and the ones who are there at both are your best friends. It’s very difficult to choose best friends but when your heart says that he is that one friend and you know you love him then you should go for him and do things out of way for him.
Jasmin Bhasin
My best friend is Pankaj, I met him through a friend when I came in Mumbai 6 years back. The best thing I learnt from him is how to provide unconditional love to everyone. There are times when I get busy and I ignore things but I know he is always there for me. I can ignore myself but he can never ignore me so I love him so much and I know he will be there for me anytime forever. Having a best friend or a good set of friends is very important because friends are like cushions, during your difficult time you fall back on them. They provide you all the support and comfort. So, I feel it’s really important emotionally to have a friend.
Ankitta Sharma
My best friend’s name is Aanchal Puri, we were neighbours and then we ended up going to the same school and eventually to the same college so we have spent a lot of time over the years. I have learnt patience from her, she has a lot of patience. I don't really believe in the best friend concept but friendships really matter. Like family, friendship is equally important to us. There are so many things one cannot share with their family, only friends can understand it.
Rehaan Roy
I have many friends. But if we are talking about best friend, then I think it has to be my pet ‘Murphy’. His love for me is unconditional. I think he can understand my emotions, when I’m happy or when I’m sad, without even understanding my words. And that’s what a real friendship is all about.
Malhar Pandya
Arpit, Ritesh and Keyur are my childhood friends, they are not here but in Ahmedabad. They have never let me feel that I am alone in Mumbai as every day they call and ask about me. If I am not able to call them then they call me and I never feel that we are distant from each other. Friends are those with whom you can share everything. Whenever you make a mistake, they are there to listen and you feel light. I am very glad to have friends like Arpit Patel, Ritesh Paras, Keyur Soni. I have learned many things from them. From Arpit, I have learned to stay calm. Secondly, in everyone's life, there are a lot of calculations like how to save money, I have learned it from Ritesh. To be happy in life, in every situation is what I have learned from Keyur.
Ansh Bagri
I have 2-3 people, who are my good friends and I feel that having friends is very important in our lives. I have a best friend whose name is Krishan Chauhan, he was my first ever friend and he always encouraged me. I was 14 years old and it is that time of life where having good friends are really very important. If I would have had some other friend then he would not have encouraged me enough like him and I would have become negative in the initial stage. Krishan has supported me in every way and because of him, my base became strong. It is very important in teenage to have a good company. I am thankful to God that I got such a good friend and I was saved from getting with the negative people. If we don't have good friends than there are many things in life which we would not be able to do as we live with our family only for hours but with friends, we share everything, so the person with whom you share things should be good. Friendship is like a connection with the heart as when you become friends you feel that.
Amit Sarin
My best friend Jasmeet Singh means the world to me. He lives in UK. I met him in college while doing my engineering. One thing I have learnt from him is to approach life in the most simplistic way and how it works and pays you in the longer run. Small small things when you imbibe it makes a huge difference. I feel a person is incomplete without a best friend. A best friend is your handy man who fixes your life.
Aniruddh Dave
My actor friend Gautam Singh I know from a long time. We connect as we are from theatre background only. He writes also. We ge lcreatively in every sense of the word. You need like minded people to go ahead in life.

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