MUMBAI: Anushka Sharma's web venture Paatal Lok received a very good response on social media. Quite a few celebrities and netizens gave a thumbs up to this crime-drama. However, now the producers of this web-series are in legal trouble. The Gurkha community is asking for an apology as the web-series has a slur being directed to the Nepali community. Now, on social media, people are bashing the show for promoting casteism and even showing Hindus in a bad light. Along with Paatal Lok, shows like Code M and Court Martial too are being dragged in as #CensorWebSeries trends on Twitter.
Using the trending hashtag, a netizen wrote, "m'Badlighting Hindu religion is what the #Secularism is in this country #Webseries #boycottpaatallok #CensorWebSeries.' People are also saying that the Indian Army is being shown in a bad light through these web-series. Talking about Code M and Court Martial, a netizen wrote, 'Why silent on Anti-Army Webseries? Court Martial - Punjabi Hindu officer is Casteist, Anti Dalit & Woman Abuser. Code M - Senior officer is Caste obsessed Rajput. Jr. officers homosexuals. Why No action by @adgpi @DefenceMinIndia.'
Have a look at some tweets below to know what netizens have to say about these shows.
Badlighting Hindu religion is what the #Secularism is in this country#Webseries #boycottpaatallok #CensorWebSeries
— Karan Chaudhari (@Karan97869055) May 27, 2020
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Why silent on Anti-Army Webseries?
'Court Martial' - Punjabi Hindu officer is Casteist, Anti Dalit & Woman Abuser.
'Code M’ - Senior officer is Caste obsessed Rajput.
Jr. officers homosexuals.
...Why No action by @adgpi@DefenceMinIndia#CensorWebSeries— आत्मनिर्भर Soumya... Nationalist(@Soumyas60537773) May 27, 2020
अब हिंदू राष्ट्र की हानीनाही sahenge #CensorWebSeries
— sagar Hankare (@sagarHankare2) May 27, 2020
— Rupali (@Rupali65261097) May 27, 2020
Talking about the backlash received by Paatal Lok, a BJP MLA even asked Virat Kohli to divorce Anushka Sharma as he considers her to be anti-Indian. An MLA names Nandkishor Gurjar was quoted saying, 'Virat Kohli desh bhakt hai, desh k liye khele hai. Anushka ko talak de dena chahiye' (Virat is a nationalist as he has played for the nation, he should divorce Anushka).
(ALSO READ: Nikitin Dheer speaks about Raktanchal and his character in the crime thriller)
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