MUMBAI : Dearest Papa,
When the world is celebrating Teacher's Day how can I forget the teacher who first taught me how to pick myself up after a fall and remain grounded at the same time.
Over the years, you have taught me to be self-reliant and pushed me to work hard – taught me to be a humble and honest human being. Through your example, I learned to persevere and endure because you said I should never stop trying. It is this resilience that got you from hawking saris in Kolkata to unfurling a cinematic dream - you teach by example, Papa.
I know now, why you pushed me to dream because, in your words - the world can take everything away from me but not my dreams.
Thank you, for being the first teacher in my life.
I love you to the moon and back!
Link to the post : https://www.instagram.com/p/CEvuBpUnP_U/?igshid=15vp91gs5xjlh

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