MUMBAI : Actor and director Mohanlal recently unveiled the Hindi trailer of his directorial debut, Barroz, at a grand event in Mumbai. The trailer takes audiences on an enchanting journey into the fantasy world of Barroz, featuring stunning 3D visuals.
The makers have now released a soul-soothing song, Isabella, leaving audiences mesmerized by its captivating tunes. Sung by Shaan, the song is composed, arranged, and programmed by Lydian Nadhaswaram, with lyrics penned by Runa Rizvi Sivamani.
Barroz is a timeless tale where the past and present intertwine, with the magic of friendship and loyalty serving as the key to breaking ancient curses. The film stars the legendary Mohanlal alongside Mayo Rao West and June Vig. With Santosh Sivan's masterful cinematography, Barroz promises to be a visual extravaganza.
Produced by Aashirward Cinemas and distributed by Pen Studios in the North market, Barroz, a 3D global film, is set for a worldwide release this Christmas in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada. The film will hit theatres on December 27th in Hindi.
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