MUMBAI:Anoushka furiously enters the room and standing in front of Lakshmi warns her to stop her sister because if she does anything else then it would not be good for her, Anoushka leaves the room and Lakshmi follows her when Rano gets worried thinking what is happening.
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Shalu after looking around uses the hair pin to make sure the tires of the ca of Neel are flat, Aayush comes behind Shalu when she gets worried looking at him, Aayush stands in front of her and they both get confused, Shalu questions if she can ask a question from him, he replies she is even going to ask him anyway when Shalu asks about his relation with Anoushka, Aayush gets worried.
Karishma instructs the worker to make sure the cake is ready, she sees Rishi sitting on the chair so goes to him asking why is he sitting in the corner, Rishi replies he could not know what to do either go into his room or sit here, Karishma says the party is happening and he must take a chill pill when both Rishi and Malishka have given them such a big happiness so they should dance and after that have to even cut the cake, Rishi replies he is not going to do anything of the sort as he is not in the mood and this is the end of the party for him, Karishma tries to force him but he says he is surely going to come soon.
Rano is walking searching for lakshmi then thinks that such a big thing is about to happen and so she must find Lakshmi, she sees Kiran then gets shocked wondering what is going to happen with her bu then Kiran says Rano should leave this party but Rano asks why should she leave then kiran says so Rano could bring some new clothes, Rano replies that the clothes of Kiran are not good and then Kiran asks if Rano even knows how expensive are these clothes, Rano replies there is a difference between expensive and looking good, Kiran tries to threaten her when Rano asks what is the matter with them all and they all are trying to threaten her, Kiran leaves saying that Rano should not do anything that will ruin the party, Rano wonders how can they all be so bad and she thinks they want to announce that Rishi and Malishka are going to be parents after the party but she vows to make sure nothing of the sort happens as she is also Rano.
Aayush asks Shalu what type of question is this when Shalu questions if he considers her as his friend, Aayush agrees to it so then Shalu asks if his relation is fine with Anoushka, Aayush says it is good and they both are happy, Shalu demands he should tell the truth to her, Aayush asks why is she suspecting when Shalu replies that she does not feel his relation is good with Anoushka, Aayush asks what is going to happen if he says he is happy with Anoushka, Shalu asks what type of answer is it and then why is his answer dependent on her reply, Aayush says because it is always give and take in every relation and he demands the truth, Shalu says she cares a lot for him and is doing this all so he stays happy this is why wants to know of how is his relation, Aayush replies he never wanted to talk about it what anyone and he says he is not feeling weird while talking about it, Shalu says she is listening when Aayush informs the situation of his marriage was very weird and he never wanted to get married with anyone else as he was in love with someone else, Shalu and Aayush both turn to look at each other, he replies this is the answer so Shalu asks then what, Aayush says they both got married but were never able to make it normal as there is nothing of the sort between them and this is the only answer, Shalu also gets emotional when she seeks permission to ask about something else, he says she is not going to stop when Shalu asks if he thinks that Anoushka is having an affair but Aayush replies he feels that Anushka would not do anything with him and she is not having an affair, he asks Shalu what is going on when Shalu hugs Aayush and he is not able to understand anything. Shalu says he is very nice and of a pure heart so then she runs away saying she would come later, he calls her but she says she is going to talk with him after a while. Aayush gets confused wondering what has he done that she felt he is so simple and innocent so he wonders what is going on.
Neel entering the room calls Anoushka when she comes out of the bathroom questioning what is going on and he demands the extra money that she is going to give him, Neel says he is talking of the girl who said she called him when Anoushka replies she was able to arrange this money with a lot of difficulty and then Anoushka realizes something.
Rishi is shocked when Aayush sas that she asked about his life with Anoushka and then Rishi is worried asking why would she ask, Aayush says he told the entire truth but then says they would talk it later, Rishi says he has also told the entire truth to Aayush and he replies he senses everything so knows it before he event ells her, Aayush says that there is a lot going on in the life o Rishi bhai so he turns to leave when Rishi says Aayush is going to tell him the truth, Aayush says he is happy with his family when Rishi says Anoushka is his family, Aayush hugs Rishi saying not know but after a while and so walks away, Rishi wonders what is going on in his life and thinks Aayush is worried so he has to talk with her.
Neel asks why did Anoushka get so tensed and then Anoushka asks if he would be able to recognize that girl then she takes out the photo of Shalu, Neel says she is the friend of Anoushka but she replies Shalu is the best friend of Aayush who wants to reveal the truth about her, Anoushka explains even Neel is going to be exposed and so he should forget the money, Neel says he is going to leave and tries to go out of the room but is not able to find the money and then gets confused, Anoushka asks what is he searching for then he tells Anoushka about the money.
Shalu is glad that she found the proof so now would be able to reveal the truth in front of everyone.
Karishma is talking on the phone when she sees Rishi and so demands he should come to her but he replies he wants to talk with DJ and then she asks him if he has any family song. Karishma leaves with the DJ while Lakshmi walks away after looking at Rishi, he is constantly calling her name but after a while turns back to walk the other way, lakshmi turns back thinking this is how he is as he never waited for her and he should have waited for hr as she was coming to him but he moved on, Rishi notices Lakshmi looking at him so once again follows her, Rishi asks Lakshmi what does she want, she replies she is just going to do some work. Rishi says that he wanted to ask if she would not feel worried seeing them all dance, she asks why would she feel bad but Lakshmi replies she is only going to feel very good seeing them all dance. Neelam comes asking what are they talking about, Lakshmi replies that he was asking if she is going to feel bad and Neelam also asks why was he asking lakshmi, she replies even she said the same thing when Karishma comes saying she has selected the best song and so leaves with Neelam. Rishi takes the hand of Lakshmi and leaves.
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Kiran asks why does he do such things as it is for the future of his daughter when Malishka comes asking what is going on, Kiran says that her father always does this to her then Malishka tries to calm down her mother, Veeni comes asking Kiran when are they going to start the plan, kiran asks the reason so she points towards Rano saying she is also like them when Kiran gets worried, Veeni says that her daughter has also suffered the same thing and she told her that Rano should also do what they are going to do for their Malishka and she should know that if they want to stop the men then should get them married, Kiran asks if Veeni told her everything but then Malishka tries to reveal the truth however Veeni says that she is a worker, Malishka replies that she is not a worker but the aunt of Lakshmi and Kiran says she has ruined it all when Veeni asks what are they going to do, Malishka replies they are going to complete their plan and if Chachi had to do something then would have already done it but it means she is not going to do anything, they are going to do it as they planned. Rano gets worried thinking they should wait for the right time as the game of chess is going to change that will shock everyone as they would not have even thought about it at all. Rano is furious.
Credit: Telly Updates

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