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Fri, 10/02/2015 - 18:18

Gandhi ji was not only about non-violence and freedom movements. He was an inspiration to many through his words and actions, colloquially known as ‘Gandhigiri’. We asked our favourite bunch of TV celebs to share their ‘Gandhian’ trait with us…here’s what they have to say about it. Take a look:
Priyanshu Jora
I am a peace-loving human. I prefer getting things done with love and peace even if a fight is the need of the hour. Also, the simple rule of ‘live and let live’ really helps!
Sehban Azim
I am not really a follower of Gandhian teachings. But I definitely follow certain things like being truthful in life and having an unbiased thinking. I follow these in my life not as Gandhigiri, but as my effort to become a good human being.
Mihika Varma
A man is a product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes! I really follow the same. Trust me, I have experienced things happening and not happening owing to our thoughts. I firmly believe if you think and visualize, it actually happens.
Rafi Malik
Gandhiji never preached without practicing it firt. I really admire the fact that one should better themselves before asking others to follow suit.
Tina Dutta
I forgive people and always patch up. I strongly stay away from ego issues in relationships. That’s my Gandhigiri!
Gunjan Utreja
Not sure if I have any Gandhian quality. But the only thing that my mother has strictly imbibed in me and my sisters is to stand by the truth. There have been times when I have had conflict with my friends because of my brutally honest nature. I continue to practise it as much as I can.
Pooja Sharma
I don’t know if I have a Gandhian quality or not. But just like him, I too would like to conduct my experiments with truth.
Adhvik Mahajan
I follow the cycle of Karma, which keeps me away from doing anything that goes against my conscience. I am a firm believer of the ‘what we sow, we reap’ saying. Apart from this, hard work, honesty and humility are Baapu’s biggest lesson to us.
Do you have a Gandhian quality in you? Do let us know in the comment box below.







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